A Rise of Crunchers — A Guardians of NFT Ecosystem

5 min readJan 26, 2022

A Time to guard your NFT Portfolio with AI-powered Watchdog!

The NFT- Non-Fungible Token, though its existence back in 2014, this “buzz word” stormed into our digital world, when an artwork of “Every day’s: the First 5000 Days” by artist Mike Winkelmann (known professionally as Beeple)sold as NFT for massive US$69.3 Million in 2021, the second most expensive auction sold in NFT world. From then on, NFTs started getting exploded to conquer various interests. NFTs have already started to disrupt the Digital Art industry and have brought unbelievable growth in terms of value and business.

The NFT — Digital Art? Game or any Videoclips?

The NFT can be anything, be it an Art or a Game, or a photography or any piece of audio clips can be turned into a digital asset, making it immutable, digitally signed, and made unique by maintaining the originality by seeding it in the Blockchain. So far, the overall NFT transaction goes beyond the imaginable US$170 Million and is still counting.

NFT — Non-Fungible Token — A Digital Asset

These NFTs are not simple .jpeg or. GIF images, but it is a digital asset, wrapped in a blockchain, which is a distributed public ledger that records each transaction. Unlike a regular image, each NFT has its unique digital signature which is captured in the underlying Blockchain which makes the cryptocurrency possible.

BIG Players on NFT — Overhyped or “Bubble” to pop?

Industry Big names like #BAYC, #RMRK, #Cryptopunks, #cyberbatz built their empire on NFTs and made millions out of this digital asset. Many more are invested in this #Metaverse & #NFTs. NFT values are skyrocketing so the are scammers and frauds on NFT. We see millions are invested in these digital assets in form of crypto and have been widely transacted into another form of digital currencies.

Scammer Alert on NFT

A Rise of New Age Digital scammers — A Darkside of NFT space!

While I am writing this article, I see news #cryptobatz users lost nearly US$70 million in fake discord marketing links. Many millionaires lost their NFT in Fake Marketplaces and are buying forged NFT in these Fake Markets. An AI Watchdog reports , #cyberkongs & #BAYC collectors involved in #washtrades. A well-known Marketplace fall for #Fakesite trips. False giveaway traps many prominent NFT creators and brands to be pushed to make a #washtrade to promote their NFT creation and steal those millions worth NFTs. Truly speaking currently, the NFT ecosystem has been highly tampered with, dented by scammers & Forgeries leads to the questionable future of these NFTs. Modern days Scammers are highly got involved in activities like #washtrades, #Fake marketplace, #pump&dump #forgery #overpricedNFT #Rugpulls. We need a prominent framework or solutions that provide us an alert at the right time. Need of a prominent solution to monitor these factors and keep watchful on your scattered assets in a single to have a clean portfolio need the hour.

While we thinking of a promising solution to this fast-paced ecosystem and managing these scattered assets, here comes a fast-growing Blockchain technology expertise to provide a global solution on multi-platforms. aLready Blockchain is disrupting many sectors, think of AI-powered solutions for all to engage and empower your digital NFT Ecosystem.

A Rise of Crunchers — The Guardians of NFT Ecosystem!

Bitscrunch — The guardians of Ecosystem

BitsCrunch, a Blockchain Technology based already here as Guardians with promising solutions to enable, engage & empower your NFT Ecosystem with a wide solution. An AI-powered platform with simple to implement and to easy use capability ensures your NFT assets stay within the security curves.

Unleashed NFTs — A Real-time portfolio tracker/analytical dashboard for NFTS where you can track and view the trend of your NFTs. — Just imagine, As NFT Collector, I want to have all my NFT to be visualized in a portfolio where I can track my collection and its net worth sales across multiple blockchains, across all marketplaces.

Scour - A Powerful solution to flag the spoofing transactions that manipulate the price & volume of your NFT assets with our AI-based wash trading detection solution. — A Powerful modeled AI Watchdog on #washtrade activities gives you a complete trend and protection in primary & secondary markets.

LiquifyAn accurate & Precise value estimator of the NFT assets using AI to determine fair values. This is my best pick, as an NFT collector. Indeed, this is a dream of anyone to see the fair price estimation among the all overhyped #apes & #bears :). Already many marketplaces collaborating with Bitscrunch to adopt these fair price estimators to reduce those 15% over-inflated prices.

Crunch Da Vinci — An AI model trained on different digital assets capable of identifying forged/manipulated digital assets. Here comes the most awaited solution to guard against all these NFT frauds and forged manipulated assets. Whether it's been a fake store, fake giveaway, or fake NFT, Bitscrunch is watching you! let's reduce that 200 % rise in fake NFTs!

Does that news excites you and make you “Wowww”? It should. Like me do you see all your “Need of hour” wishlist is available in a one-stop shop? That’s a big Woww for me! Isn’t for you?.

In recent years, we see many artists, creators or collectors are investing entire stakes into these digital assets trusting one or another day, it gives them wide recognization and value for the work & improves the net worth. Let's keep those trust high, secure and ensure those hard work does not go into those darkholes by making this NFT ecosystem more secure from these scammers!

If you like to know more about BitsCrunch, Pls visit — www.Bitscrunch.com

Would like to know more about the products, here is the explainer video on youtube for you — https://youtu.be/DvkK8dV6oh4

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An aspiring writer, I craft stories from what I observe and hear.